
Showing posts from June, 2021

Legal issues and the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI)

 JUDGES SWEARING-IN Source: State house Kenya It has been a double edged sword for the BBI initiative by the two brothers.The hustler narrative is the other side of the double edged sword,Mr deputy president keeps on throwing jabs directly or indirectly.The recent ruling on the BBI process as per the 5 judge bench declared the Bbi amendments were irregular, unconstitutional and illegal.This was to mean that reggae was stopped the ghost of Justice Maraga was still within the judiciary. Such rulings from the high court at such a critical time the president had failed to gazette the 41 judges was injurious to some of them since they were waiting to be sworn in as judge's.At the end it turned out to be a bitter sweet affair as his Excellency president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta sworn in 34 Judges out of the 40 Judges leaving out 6 of them.Among them were 2 justices left out who contributed to the 5 judge bench ruling on the Bbi process stopping reggae.The appeal process is on with commencem


MADARAKA DAY VS KENYAN POLITICS source:twitter Madaraka day in Kisumu was one of the best recent celebrations in Kenya.Projects were launched prior by the the two handshake brothers his Excellency Mr Uhuru Kenyatta and Odm party leader/ former prime minister Raila Odinga. On the D-day at Kisumu International stadium,Kondele roundabout just before arriving at the stadium was the centre stage for Kenyan politics at it's best.President and his deputy were all attending the Madaraka celebrations,however they have not been the dynamic duo since their fall out. source:Twitter As they entered the stadium,from Kondele round-about approaching the stadium people were standing by the roadside cheering the dignitaries as they streamed into the venue.It turned out to be a battle between the Handshake brothers Vs the Hustler's,however to the surprise of many Luo's are friendly in nature every Leader was given the Kisumu style of welcoming people. source: @twitter  It turned o