ODM(Orange Democratic Party) Party divided or not?

It has been a week of new revelations between two factions among the Orange Democratic Party.The two factions identified as Junet faction Vs Orengo faction.
Recent debate in parliament depicts Hon. Orengo as against the building bridges initiative, however it is clear the senior counsel is not in agreement with everything concerning Bbi initiative.However the other faction of Hon. Junet believes Bbi must pass.
At the end of the day Baba holds the key to holding his party together.It seems he facing challenges in ensuring his party is intact as 2022 elections is fast approaching.
Recent incidents such as senior counsel Orengo and Otiende being chased away in a burial ceremony depicts the cracks in Odm party.
Baba should solve out the current issues facing his parties so as to show unity on his party Odm which seems to be struggling with internal battles
Odm is a strong party however the infighting in the party should be handled accordingly in order to avoid walk out by some of the members which would result in Baba loosing some of his important members who also double up as advisers.
Politics is all about interests however Baba should also concentrate on unity of the ODM party....


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