Benefits of Technology in Service Delivery.

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Technology has simplified service delivery in many aspects of our lives. Our world has become a global village in many ways as a result of existence of technology and how it has led to many benefits in terms of service delivery in different sectors.

The current pandemic has brought out the importance of technology in service delivery resulting to most of the world population appreciating the fruits of technology in service delivery. Technological service delivery has been simplified since it can be accessed easily through mobile phones and also computers remotely, not necessarily at the workplace only.

Some of the benefits that technology has when it comes to service delivery include;

  • ·         Bridging the physical distance

Technology has provided an opportunity for customers to access various services across the globe. Customers are able to transact with various organizations across the world hence making orders and receiving the goods in time. Without technology it would be impossible for service delivery across the globe.

  • ·         Prompt response

Digital platforms have enabled service delivery with a few clicks from the device for instance on a Tablet, mobile phone or Computer. Companies and other institutions can offer their services to clients quickly with prompt responses. The availability of service automation has allowed for efficient services.

Creation of Chat bots for instance has made service delivery simple. The bots are able to handle simple inquiries that may be done by a client, however just in case it involves serious inquiries it is forwarded to a human to give a conclusive response.

  • ·       Reduce Cost and Control Operating Expenses

Technology has allowed various companies and institutions to invest more in big data collection. Data collected is analyzed therefore making it easy for the companies to attract their specific clients in accordance to their internet browsing behaviors.

Expenses involved in acquiring a big workforce has been minimized, since collection of data is done without a lot of difficulties. It also helps in maximizing each and every coin spent on advertising since cost and control expenses have been minimized in getting the prospective clients.

Benefits of Technology in Service Delivery in Legal institutions such as Learning institutions,Law firms and Courts:-

  • ·         Simplified Online Platforms for Attending Classes

Students have been able to attend and engage in online classes using various gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and computers. Various companies such as google have created virtual platforms that serve as classrooms.

Google meet and Google teams have been able to host various institutions to conduct their classes. Legal institutions have adopted to the new technological platforms such as Zoom, Google meet, Google teams to offer online classes that can be attended by anyone who can access internet.

  • ·         Administering of online exams and online court sessions

As a result of technological advances legal institutions have been able to conduct online examinations. This has reduced on cases of exam irregularities as the systems have been programmed to function in a certain way with updated software’s that cannot be hacked or manipulated.

Courts in Kenya have also adopted the google team’s platform when listening to cases. As much as it has not yet been fully implemented, most cases are heard through the google team’s platforms. Therefore Advocates do not have to attend court sessions physically.

  • ·         Sharing of materials has become easy

Institutions offering online classes have been able to share reading materials easily with the students. Students are only required to download the materials shared by their lecturers hence each and every students has a chance of getting the reading materials necessary. Legal institutions have also created discussion platforms that can be used by Legal students while handling a certain assignment.

Law firms have been able to transact virtually when handling their matters. Courts in Kenya have adopted to e-filling as a way of sharing documents to courts. The latest changes involves the land registration being fully digitized.


Technology has made our lives bearable, the key is to have the right tools and know how. It does not matter whether it is a company or an institutions for learning. However service providers need to be ethical with the data they acquire from clients. In all that you do always remember to give that human touch to your service delivery.


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